25 Self Care Tips To Try this Week

Self care can mean a lot of things to different people. For me right now, it’s prioritizing sleep, leaving room for more white space, and building strength. For some it means exercising more. Some take a self care day to reflect and meditate. Where some need to find stillness, others may need to find movement. Either way, the point is to give your body and mind what it needs to feel cared for and refreshed. So here’s a list of self care behaviors you can try now. I invite you to pick 7 that resonate with you and commit to doing one each day this week.

  1. Take a 10 minute walk.

  2. Read a pleasure book.

  3. Go for a jog.

  4. Color or draw a picture.

  5. Go to bed 30 minutes early.

  6. Get up 15 minutes early.

  7. Soak in a hot bath.

  8. Get a massage.

  9. Get a mani pedi.

  10. Sing a song.

  11. Turn up the music and dance to your favorite song.

  12. Daydream.

  13. Call a friend.

  14. Deep clean the house.

  15. Hire a cleaning service.

  16. Meditate.

  17. Pray.

  18. Learn a new skill.

  19. Sink into the couch or your bed and just be for 5 minutes.

  20. Drink an extra glass of water.

  21. Try a new fruit or vegetable.

  22. Write a kind note to someone.

  23. Do 1 minute of deep breathing.

  24. Try a yoga class in person or online.

  25. Speak a kind word or affirmation to yourself out loud.

Here’s to taking care of you.

Stay Sporting.

-Deb R-M


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