3 Tips to help you stick to your new year’s resolution

Did you know that according to Inc., only 9% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions are successful?

Here are 3 tips to help you be successful keeping your resolutions to become a better you this year.

  1. Set clear and specific goals. Have you heard of making SMART goals? The SMART framework(specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) sets you up for success by providing clear goals and the action steps you’ll take and measure to accomplish them in a set time period. 

  2. Write your goals down and track your progress. This could be in a journal, on a calendar, on a vision board or habit tracker, in your phone, or anywhere. You just need to get these goals out of your head and make them real by putting them out into the world. Tracking your progress helps you hold yourself accountable.

  3. Keep your goals visible. If you write your goals in a journal, then don’t open that journal again for the rest of the year, it’s easy to forget what you’re working towards and for nothing to change. Place your goals and/or the necessary action steps where you will encounter them often, so they stay top of mind. 

You know here at Sporting DR we are all about helping you reach your hair care and fitness goals. If you would like some help getting started on your goals, check out our Goal Setter and Planner. Imagine setting yourself up for a successful year for less than the cost of a fancy latte.

Here’s to more goals accomplished, great workouts, and good hair days!

-Deb R-M


What You Need to Know to Accomplish Your Goals This Year


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